India is a democratic country, and it has granted every citizen the right to vote in India under the Constitution of India. It does not judge its citizens on the grounds of caste, religion, gender, region, or language. Being the second most populous country in the world, almost more than half the population (city dwellers) do not exercise their right to vote. Then how do the political party get their power to rule? The reason behind this is village life. They are the ones who vote because the candidate has promised them something in return like decreased agricultural taxes, improvised machinery for making their life simpler etc. If we make them write exam, then they will become hesitant to write the exam just to vote as they will be afraid that they might fail. And it is not possible to just conduct exam for such a huge population.

Under Article 326 of the Constitution of India it is provided that “The elections to the House of the People and to the Legislative Assembly of every State shall be on the basic of adult suffrage; that is equal right to vote and not to be discriminated on the  grounds of caste, sex, religion, region or any of them.


The idea here is not that knowledgeable people deserve to rule – of course they don’t – but that the rest of us deserve not to be subjected to incompetently made political decisions.. Democracies tend to pass laws and policies that appeal to the median voter, yet the median voter would fail Economy, History, Sociology, and Political Science. Reports generally shows that voters would support different policies if they were better informed. The commoners are most likely to know more about the political issues than the city-dwellers as they feel that they are busy in their life and don’t have time for all the news.


The government makes different schemes for the underprivileged but if they are not allowed to vote and express their feelings, how would the government know the problems the common man faces?


Voting requires tremendous political knowledge: knowledge that most city dwelling citizens lack. Most voters know nothing, but some know a great deal, and some know less than nothing.


In case, the parties try to bribe them, there is a possibility to give false promises and not honor them when they come to power. They also might provide false information just to get into the post. For the masses, people have money, have power and can help them. That’s the reason they accept the bribes and vote for them. Another reason is poverty.


Equality is a right not only to citizens of India but to the entire humanity. When they are decided by these exams, the whole concept of equality strays out of line. That’s the reason why I strongly oppose these exams.




  1. This is true up to an extent, but again, voting requires the worldly knowledge of an individual and how he looks up to a leader to solve his problems. So voting cannot be considered unequal or bias, but this is a lot better than the dictator form of government countries such as North Korea and Afghanistan follow.

  2. I am privileged to be born in India, a country that allows its citizens to voice their own opinions in the form of voting and open comments against the politicians ruling the state/country. Jai Hind!


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