Teacher’s day 2020-Sashini Manikandan,7A


W hen I was little

I knew nothing

S o, Naïve as I was,

H appy as Always                 


Y ou showed me a different world

O Mother, Father, Teacher

U nique in your own teaching way


A  Guide for life


H appy with you,

A dored you,

P layed with you,

P rospered with you,

Y our love is boundless!


T olerated my ways,

E xplained everything to me,

A stounded me,

C ongratulated me,

H appily, helped me,

E xcelled me,

R adiantly smiled at me,

S trict but lenient


D ivine shine

A pple of my eyes

Y ou !

(Dedicated to all teachers including my parents and little sister)


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